Energy & Environment

The design and construction of either a new facility or the major renovation of an existing facility shall start with meeting the requirements of the OSA building code compliance policy

New Construction & Major Renovation Intro

The High Performance Certification Program policy (HPCP) is required for all general funded or academic designated projects greater than 5,000 square feet and include a HVAC system. The Colorado Department of Education, Building Excellent Schools Today grant program, and the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund program provide state funds to a building that may need to meet the HPCP policy. Refer to their web site for additional information. Forms for all HPCP projects, state funded or other departments, and more information can be found on the OSA New Construction/Major Renovations webpage.

Building Life Cycle Cost Policy

State statute, CRS 24-30-1304 and 1305, requires that all state agencies and state institutions of higher education to analyze the life-cycle cost (LLC) of all real property constructed or renovated, over its economic life, in addition to the initial construction or renovation cost (Life-Cycle Cost Policy).

Owned Buildings/Infrastructure Energy/Water Management

Water Efficient Landscaping Policy

Any project where landscaping is being modified on real property that begins a design solicitation on or after January 1, 2025, shall meet the Statewide Water Efficient Policy. The outlined procedures for statewide water efficient landscape policy suggest ways in which landscape personnel may meet the seven key principles of water efficient landscaping. The procedures include a list of training opportunities and resources.

For existing facilities, agencies should incorporate energy/water management plans, active maintenance strategies, and proactive oversight of all the systems to sustain overall efficient operations and provide for occupant comfort (Energy-Water Management Existing Buildings Policy).

We cannot monitor what we do not measure. Per the Governor's Executive Order D 2022 016, agencies/departments have been directed to reduce potable water consumption by at least 2% by the end of FY 2024‐25 over the FY 2014‐15 baseline. It is up to each agency to work to reduce its usage by implementing submeters, leak detection, improved irrigation systems, xeriscaping, and other water efficiency measures. The Office of the State Architect (OSA) has created a Water Management Plan Template and is requiring that State Agencies fill out the template and submit it to the OSA by February 29, 2024. Water management plan implementation shall start on May 1, 2024. Implementation includes the actual work to be completed and requesting funding (CM/CR projects). Submit any CM/CR requests through the annual capital request process. 

January 29th, 2024 - Water Management Plan Training

Buy Clean Colorado Act Policy

The Buy Clean Colorado Act Policy applies to State public projects for which the cost exceeds five hundred thousand dollars and for which an agency of government issues a solicitation on or after January 1, 2024. This law directs the Office of the State Architect to establish maximum acceptable global warming potential (GWP) limits for categories of eligible materials, which include asphalt and asphalt mixtures, cement and concrete mixtures, glass, post-tension steel, reinforcing steel, structural steel, and wood structural elements. For any solicitation beginning on or after January 1, 2024, agencies/IHE shall require consultants to specify EPDs within the project specifications for all eligible materials proposed to be used on a project and shall require contractors who are awarded a project to submit EPDs for all eligible materials that are installed on the project. Please see the OSA Buy Clean Colorado Act webpage for additional information.

Energy Performance Contracts Intro

An energy performance contract (EPC) provides an alternative funding source for building owners (state agencies) to repair and/or upgrade their buildings and infrastructure. A Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contract (GESPC) is another name for an EPC. The goal of an EPC is to improve energy and water efficiency of owned assets by reducing utility usage. The reduction also results in avoided future utility costs. The avoided future costs are the source of funds required to finance the EPC through a lease-purchase finance agreement. The EPC program is under the statutory authority of OSA. OSA provides program oversite and contract review support to state agencies utilizing the program. For state agencies, the OSA EPC webpage contains additional information and the OSA approved documents. The EPC program is a joint project between OSA and the Colorado Energy Office (CEO).  Information on the EPC process and all the steps are on the CEO website. Please see the OSA EPC webpage for more information.


Rod Vanderwall
Manager, Energy Programs

Bailey Vigil
Buildings GHG Emissions Analyst (Buy Clean Colorado Act Manager)

Hydie Alcantara
Buildings Materials Tax Analyst

Johar Moss
Statewide Floodplain Management Administrator

Employee Contact List - Office of the State Architect (OSA)


OSA Annual Meetings & Training

Office of Sustainability