OSA Acronym List

Acronym List in Alphabetical Order


A to D


AD - Acquisitions and Dispositions Report

ADA - The Americans with Disabilities Act

AMSP - Asset Management Strategy Plan

AP - Agency / Institution Priority Number


BCCO - Buy Clean Colorado Act

BI - Building Inventory / Infrastructure / Water Management Plan Report

BLCC - Building Life Cycle Cost


CC - Capital Construction

CCF - Capital Construction Funds

CCCR 5P - Capital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request Five Year Plan

CCCR CS - Capital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request Cost Summary

CCCR N - Capital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request Narrative

CCHE - Colorado Commission for Higher Education

CDC - Capital Development Committee

CDHE - Colorado Department of Higher Education

CEO - Colorado Energy Office

CF - Cash Funds

CI - Critical Index

CM - Controlled Maintenance

CM 5P - Controlled Maintenance Project Request Five Year Plan

CM CS - Controlled Maintenance Project Request Cost Summary

CM N - Controlled Maintenance Project Request Narrative

CM S - Controlled Maintenance Project Request Summary

CMGC - Construction Manager / General Contractor

CR - Capital Renewal

C.R.S. - Colorado Revised Statute

CRV - Current Replacement Value

CSI - Construction Specifications Institute

CSR - Construction Project Status Report


DBB - Design / Bid / Build

DBGMP - Design / Build Guaranteed Maximum Price

DBLS - Design / Build Lump Sum

DORM - Division of Risk Management

DPA - Colorado Department of Personnel and Administration

E to L


ECM - Energy Conservation Measures

EEP - Energy and Environment Program

EL - Electrical (CM Category)

ENR - Engineering News Record

ENV - Environmental Hazard / Remediation (CM Category)

EPC - Energy Performance Contract Report

ESCo - Energy Service Company


FCA - Facility Condition Audit

FCI - Facility Condition Index Score

FEMP - Federal Energy Management Program

FF - Federal Funds

FFE - Furniture, Fixures, and Equipment

FMP - Facilities Master Plan

FPP - Facility Program Plan

FS - Fire & Public Safety / Codes & Standards / Accessibility / Security (CM Category)

FTE - Full Time Employee

FTP - File Transfer Protocol


GSF - Gross Square Feet

GWP - Global Warming Potential


HPCP - High Performance Certification Program

HUTF - Highway Users Tax Fund

HVAC - Heating / Ventilating / Air Conditioning / Cooling


I - Infrastructure / Utilities / Water / Roads, etc. (CM Category)

IGA - Investment Grade Audit

IHE - Institutions of Higher Education


JBC - Joint Budget Committee

JTC - Joint Technology Committee


K - Action Plan for Code Compliance Exhibit K


L&M - Labor and Materials

LCC - Life Cycle Cost

LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LS - Lump Sum

M to Z


M&V - Measurement and Verification

MEP - Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing

MISC - Miscellaneous / General Repairs / Elevators (CM Category)

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding


NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology


OC - Operational Criteria

OSA - Office of the State Architect

OSPB - Governor's Office of State Planning and Budgeting


PM - Priority Multiplier

PS - Project Score

PWA - Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Program


REP - Real Estate Program

RF - Reappropriated Funds

RF - Roofing / Waterproofing (CM Category)


S CCCR CS - Supplemental Capital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request Cost Summary

S CCCR N - Supplemental Capital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request Narrative

SBP - State Buildings Program

SPP - Statewide Planning Program

ST - Structural (CM Category)


T (IHE) - OSA Transmittal Form for Institutions of Higher Education

T (State) - OSA Transmittal Form for State Departments


USGBC - United States Green Building Council


VFMP - Vacant Facility Management Plan