Planning Additional Info


"Facility program plan" or "facility program planning" relates to a specific project or facility and shall include, but is not limited to, an inventory of amounts and types of space currently available; an analysis of amounts, types, and relative locations of space required for current programs as determined by use of accepted state space standards; an analysis of projected programs and space required; and, if a change in facilities is justified based on analysis, recommendations for demolition, remodeling, or construction, including a detailed budget which relates to a realistic timetable for implementation.  A facility program plan typically relates to one or a small number of related facilities.  A facilities master plan can encompass all the facilities for an agency or a designated campus area.

Operational program plans summarize and analyze an agency program as it relates to service delivery and may include the number of citizens served, service area, FTE, other interrelated programs, proximity requirements, regional structure, budgets and service trends.  An operational master plan summarizes and analyzes all the agency's programs related the full spectrum of services provided. 

"Physical planning" includes all fees for survey and site investigation and architectural and engineering services, but no contract for architectural/engineering services shall commit the state to physical planning expenses greater than those which are provided in the appropriation. No funds appropriated for any other purpose shall be expended for physical planning. This phase of a project follows a facility program plan and funding approval.