Office of the State Architect



The Office of the State Architect (OSA) is statutorily responsible for the administration of state funded planning, construction, energy conservation and real estate transactions at state agencies and institutions of higher education. Additional responsibilities include: establishing policies and procedures, providing technical support and training, recommending the annual controlled maintenance statewide budget and state agency capital construction budget requests to the Governor’s Office of State Planning and Budgeting and the Capital Development Committee of the general assembly.

The constitution of the State of Colorado designates Colorado as a home rule state. As such, the Office of the State Architect is only responsible for state owned land and buildings.  Each city or county within the state adopts and interprets their own building regulations for private and municipal projects.

(Applicable to state agencies and institutions of higher education)
Annual Requests and Facility Management Reporting Forms & Instructions for Capital Construction, Capital Renewal & Controlled Maintenance, Meeting / Training Events, Reports to The Capital Development Committee (CDC), Vacant Facilities / Unused Property Reports and Project Reporting.

(Applicable to state agencies and institutions of higher education)
Design and construction process including: solicitation, contracting, project management, code compliance, project tracking and close-out, and administration of the Controlled Maintenance Emergency Fund.

(Applicable to state agencies and institutions of higher education)
Real estate transaction process including: centralized leasing, executing leases and negotiating easements and rights-of-way, and reviewing and approving acquisitions and utilization of real property.

(Applicable to state agencies and institutions of higher education)
Energy management includes: establishing efficient Energy/Water Conservation practices, High Performance Building Certification, and Energy Performance Contracting.

Environmental practices include choice of appropriate building materials and renewable energy sources.

(Applicable to state agencies only)
Facilities planning process including: reviewing and approving Operational Master Plans, Facilities Master Plans, Facility Program Plans and administration of the Planning Fund.


June 14, 2023 - The Office of the State Architect (OSA) has created an OSA 101 Training webpage. Access the training videos via the State Architect tab and then by selecting OSA Reports & Training.
The Office of the State Architect (OSA) has developed a geographical information system (GIS) map application to display State of Colorado vacant parcels and facilities. Access the map here.
Aug. 5, 2022 - The Office of the State Architect (OSA) will be hosting a virtual informational meeting for Trade and Manufacturer Association representatives to learn about the Buy Clean Colorado (BCCO) Act with an opportunity to contribute feedback! Join OSA on August 29, from 3 – 4 PM to learn more and share your knowledge!


Related Websites

Capital Development Committee

Office of State Planning and Budgeting

Colorado Department of Higher Education

Most Visited Pages

Contracted Broker Services

Real Estate Forms

SBP Procedural Forms

SBP Contract Forms

SBP Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship

Construction and Design Notices

Unused Facilities & Property


What building codes have been adopted by the Office of the State Architect?

State Buildings Programs (SBP) within the Office of the State Architect is responsible for establishing minimum building codes for all construction by state agencies (State Departments and Institutions of Higher Education) on state-owned or state-lease purchased properties or facilities.


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