Project Reporting (Monitoring, Lessons Learned, Foreign Goods)

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Project Monitoring and Administration

 (Effective for FY 13/14 funded projects)

Per the Performance Evaluation of State Capital Asset Management and Lease Administration Practices report, Office of the State Auditor, November 2012,OSA will establish a process to report on how capital construction projects are monitored and administrated.

Agencies and institutions of higher education, as a requirement to the SBP Exhibit L-2 transmittal attach to the a brief written explanation of: a) how the project was monitored for cost and quality control during the design, construction and close out phases leading up to final acceptance, b) indicate staff positions involved in project management and administration and what the organization was including roles and responsibilities and, c) the use of schedules, meetings, minutes of meetings, reports, partnering, third parties project managers, etc.

Lessons Learned/Evaluations 

(Effective for FY 13/14 funded projects)

Per the Performance Evaluation of State Capital Asset Management and Lease Administration Practices report, Office of the State Auditor, November 2012, OSA will establish a process to report on lessons learned in capital construction projects.

Agencies and institutions of higher education, as a requirement to the SBP Exhibit L-2 transmittal attach a brief written assessment of major lessons learned on this project evaluating: a) advantages /disadvantages of project delivery method selected, b) effectiveness of quality control measures instituted, c) accuracy of estimates/assumptions of design and construction project costs, d) success of design intent to outcome, e) as applicable advantages/disadvantages of incorporating High Performance Building Certification into the project requirements, and f) other.

Use of Foreign-Produced Goods

Statute CRS 24-103-210, applies to new contracts for which the invitation for bids or the request for proposals was issued on or after January 1, 2014. Not applicable to projects that received federal funds or are under $500,000.

Agencies and institutions of higher education, as a requirement to the SBP Exhibit L-2 transmittal attach a report on the Five Most Costly Goods, total cost and country of origin of the goods and any applicable federal domestic content preferences incorporated into the project, including iron, steel, or related manufactured goods as reported by the contractor.