Annual Budget Instructions & Forms (CCCR - CM)

The Office of the State Architect (OSA) annually reviews all Controlled Maintenance (CM) requests. OSA also reviews all State Agency Capital Construction Capital Renewal Requests (CCCR). Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) submit their CCCR to the Colorado Department of Higher Education. All state agencies and IHE are required to submit additional information as explained in the Budget Submission Instructions. Additionally, OSA conducts an annual verification of all CCCR CM project requests, reviews construction status, and verifies additional items as explained in the OSA Annual Verification Checklist.

Please refer to these required aforementioned documents:

Concerning capital construction project requests:

  • State agencies (not institutions of higher education) are to submit CC project requests, including supplementals, through the annual budget request submission process as administered by the Office of the State Architect. 
  • Institutions of higher education (not state agencies) CC budget request submission instructions can be found on the Colorado Department of Higher Education's Capital Construction webpage.

The following CCCR, CM, and Annual Reporting forms are organized by their sections within the Budget Submission Instructions. Instructions for using the templates can be found on this PDF and they can be downloaded by clicking their full name. Please refer to the various program pages for policies, procedures, and required documents for capital construction project management.

Doc. No.Capital Construction - Capital Renewal Forms (Section 2) (State/IHE)Doc. TypeRev. Date
CCCR 5PCapital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request Five Year PlanExcelFeb 2024


Doc. No.Capital Construction - Capital Renewal Forms (Section 2) (State Only)Doc. TypeRev. Date
CCCR NCapital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request NarrativeWordFeb 2024
CCCR CSCapital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request Cost SummaryExcelFeb 2024
S CCCR NSupplemental Capital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request NarrativeWordJul 2024
S CCCR CSSupplemental Capital Construction Capital Renewal Project Request Cost SummaryExcelFeb 2024


Doc. No.Controlled Maintenance Forms (Section 3) (State/IHE)Doc. TypeRev. Date
CM 5PControlled Maintenance Project Request Five Year PlanExcelFeb 2024
CM SControlled Maintenance Project Request SummaryExcelFeb 2024
CM NControlled Maintenance Project Request NarrativeWordFeb 2024
CM CSControlled Maintenance Project Request Cost SummaryExcelFeb 2024
CM BLCCControlled Maintenance Project Request Building Life Cycle CostExcelFeb 2024


Doc. No.Annual Facility Management Reporting Forms (Section 4) (State/IHE)Doc. TypeRev. Date
OSA T (IHE)OSA Transmittal Form (Institutions of Higher Education)WordFeb 2024
OSA TOSA Transmittal Form (State Departments)WordFeb 2024
OSA AMSPAsset Management Strategy PlanWordFeb 2024
OSA CSRConstruction Project - Status Report (CCCR and CM) ExcelFeb 2024
OSA BIBuilding Inventory ReportExcelFeb 2024
OSA Exhibit KAction Plan for Code Compliance, Exhibit KWordFeb 2024
OSA VFMPVacant Facility Management PlanWordFeb 2024
OSA A&DAcquisitions and Dispositions ReportWordFeb 2024
OSA EPCEnergy Performance Contract ReportWordFeb 2024
OSA HPCPHigh Performance Certification Program WordFeb 2024