OSA 101 Training

Knowing everyone's background in design and construction is different, the following training modules are designed to complement the State Buildings Program Policies and Procedures. This training provides the background but also goes into depth into some of the differences between goods and services, consultants and general contractor processes. 

Introduction: History, The Basics, Delegation

Here you will find the history of State Buildings, brief descriptions of the programs within the Office of the State Architect, an overview of the difference between construction procurement, contracting and accounting as well as an overview of OSA delegation.

Module 1: Consultant Contracting

The first half of this module reviews the requirements and suggestions when soliciting and contracting architects, professional engineers, landscape architects industrial hygienists, and land surveyors, including tips on how to complete the OSA contract templates. The second half reviews C.R.S. Title 24 Article 30 Part 14 Negotiation of Consultant Contracts. This statute sets the requirements that make up OSA's Policies and Procedures and templates for consultants.

Module 2a: Construction Contracting

Module 2a reviews the requirements and suggestions when soliciting and contracting contractors for construction through a traditional Design/Bid/Build delivery method, including tips on how to complete the contract templates.

Module 2b: Construction Statutes

Module 2b reviews four of the five statutes that inform the state construction process.  The Procurement Rules and the Fiscal Rules are in separate training modules.

Module 3: All Other Relevant Statutes

Module 3 attempts to capture statutory citations that can be found in other statutes that are not entirely construction related including how OSA, OSPB, CCHE and CDC collaborate, Colorado labor laws, accessibility, long-range planning requirements, utility cost savings and Art in Public Places.

Module 4a: Procurement Code/Rules CRS 24-101-112

For a thorough understanding, the Procurement Code and Rules should be reviewed in their entirety. This training module focuses on the specifics for OSA and the crossover with Goods and Services procurement. This training also list options when there are mistakes on the bids, only one bidder, or bids exceeds available funds

Module 4b: Fiscal Rules CRS 23-30-202

Module 4b is a relatively short training module highlighting the Fiscal Rules that are most applicable to OSA. Including Disbursement, Commitment Vouchers, Contracts and Capital Construction.

Module 5: Basic Steps Checklist

Module 5 reviews decision matrices and flowcharts available on this webpage. This training reviews "What is Capital Construction? It reviews decision making flowcharts by funding source, setting up a project, Design Decisions, Professional Services Procurement, Construction Services, Managing the Project and Closing the Project.

Basic Steps Checklist Tools

GMP 101

Guaranteed Maximum Price Contracting (GMP) whether as a Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) or Design/Build GMP is covered in this training module including knowing your role as Owner, definition of CM/GC, completing the contract recitals, the difference in the design process, what is a GMP, contingency use, and completing Amendments to set the GMP and the construction buyouts.